Summarize documents even through a chrome extension!


What is WordTune AI?

An Ai reader that summarizes any documents in seconds. This tool is fully operational through their chrome extension that allows you to access everything quickly. This tool can help people focus their research by ensuring they are focused on the right topics. This focused research leads to tons of saved time! The ability to focus your research in a quick and timely manner helps you retain knowledge and understand more information! This helps people avoid information overload and get right to the important parts of any article. Check this out here!

Use Cases

5 ways to Utilize Wordtune

  1. Academic Article - Students and academics will be able to learn so much quicker!
  2. Business Reports - inter-channel communication has never been easier!
  3. Magazine articles - Quick Fun!
  4. Blog posts - Learn about new topics!
  5. News - stay up to date on the world around you!

Who is it for?

What 3 people should use Wordtune AI?

1. Students

2. Parents

3. Professionals

Demo Video

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Summarize documents even through a chrome extension!

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